Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Is there a program where I could live in Italy with an Italian family for the summer

Is there a program where I could live in Italy with an Italian family for the summer?
I am a 15 boy and am interested in living in Italy for the summer. I would like to be immersed in Italian, and would like to have something to do during the day. I would rather it not be a study abroad. Does anyone know of who to contact or where to ask to find this information?
Other - Italy - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
try a foreign exchange program. we are currently hosting a slovic student. i think through the program ciee. can you speak italian? most families won't take you unless you can speak their language.
2 :
Yes. AYUSA is a leading non-profit organization promoting global learning and leadership through foreign exchange student programs since 1980.
3 :
Your question is much better than that chick who claims she wants to live there...9 years from now. As for a program, I don't know of one, but you could try the US State Department ( and US Department of Education ( for programs. When I was living in West Germany, friends of mine used to help the Germans pick grapes to make wine. You could check into something like that; it's a great way to be immersed into the culture and you should learn Italian quickly this way. Bonus: in Italy, folks your age drink wine with their meals. Good Luck!
4 :
There are lots of "Italy homestay" possibilities on the internet, but you should be very careful. It would be best to organise this through an agency who could vouch for the integrity of the family. My daughter had 2 Italian homestays during high school, organised by local teachers at this end, in conjunction with agents in Rome. They were wonderful experiences for her and her Italian improved so much that she was awarded a scholarship to study in Italy, based on her results at the end of high school. Buona fortuna!
5 :
Check with your local Church, Temple, Mosque, synagogue, Kingdom Hall. All of these religions (and others) are present in Italy and you may be able to stay with someone of your own religion. Take a look at the site below - you might get some help there. Do make sure you head out to Italy with a reputable organization (as others have already mentioned). while in Italy work, play and learn hard.
6 :
We do it with kids from Chernobyl. Every year they come during the summer for exchange, and also to detox some from the radiations. We are an Italian-American family. At home we speak all three languages. I was even considering sponsoring one of these kids from Russia. You may want to ask your parents to contact the American consulate in Milan. My daughter is 15 also, and she was raised in Georgia until she was 9 years old. She perfectly speaks Italian and goes to a high school specialized in languages. Currently, she speaks English, Italian, and Spanish perfectly, though she has chosen French as her third language. The teachers in majority are mother tongue. Let me know..and I'll make available my email for you. Best luck
7 : has programs.... my daughter used them for summer in south america & it was fine.
8 :
Try AFS or YFU. There are really good organisations. Just look on their websites, you can log online. I went 2 mounths in Melbourne with YFU And I also went a year in Naples (Italy) with AFS. ^_^

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