Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Index (Italian)

Index (Italian)

シンガポールはイタリアンレストランがとても多いです。 イタリア人経営のお店も多いと聞いております。 まぁ、たま〜にローカルフード風味のパスタが出てきたりすることもありますけど、基本レベルが高い。 我が家はワインが好きなので、自然とイタリア料理行く機会が増えますね。 ※分類はフィーリングです。正確じゃないのであしからず。 ※ 「レストラン評価の判断基準」もご参照下さい。 ☆バール (Bar)   ハンニバル (Hannibal Singapore European Grill and Bar)   ディストリクト10 (District 10 Bar & Restaurant)   リチョッティ ...

Something Brave

What's the bravest thing I've ever done? Depends on what you mean, I guess. There was the time I jumped off a 20-foot cliff into a river of water below (I was 14...and not very smart). In college I went on a trip to Italy with some friends and stayed in hostels for a week - traveled from Rome to Flo ...

Testimonies Part 4

So, the next year was a whirlwind. Lizzie was off at college enjoying her life. In the fall, we had family pictures taken. I can still see Alex chasing Lizzie through the trees at St. Cyprian's. I'm not sure what Lizzie did to Alex, but she was sprinting around laughing while Alex chased her. In Dec ...

Italy Threatens Europe

The economic weakness in Europe redoubles the threat to the common currency. Italy's setback in particular threatens the euro zone in two ways: (1) Because Italy is the zone's third largest economy, failure there would place unsupportable burdens on ...

High school senior spends junior year in Italy

"You have this idea of Italy," Oceana High School senior Bailey Bowes said. "You've heard about its amazing food and architecture, its art and history and its people. And when you go there, you find that it is everything you were expecting and so much more.

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