Saturday, August 7, 2010

How do I live and work in Italy

How do I live and work in Italy?
I am Canadian and I want to move to Italy to live and work. How do I get a working visa there, and do I have to have a visa first, or can I just go there and find a job and then get a visa?
Other - Italy - 4 Answers
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1 :
hi !!! i'm italian i'm from sardinia is island in mediterraneo.. if u'd like work here is very simple !! it is almost arrived the summer and here there are many tourist villages that are looking for personal.. you should contact tourist villages and send your curriculum!!to speak english is a big advantage.. parli pure italiano? if u speak italian too u are perfect!! if u want know places where work contact me!! sorry 4 my bed english =( ah and hurried if are interested to now look for!!
2 :
First, you have to get the visa before you come. However, you could come as a tourist for up to 90 days to make some contacts and then go back to Canada. Information on the various types of visa are here: Right now, there are not a lot of available jobs for anyone. On top of that, EU citizens have the right to live and work anywhere within the EU, but others need a visa. In order to get a work permit for you, a company here needs to be able to demonstrate that there is not an available EU citizen to do the job. Generally, that is easier if you have special skills, knowledge, or experience. I got my visa several years ago when the economy was better. Even at that time, it took 8 months for all the paperwork to be in place to allow me to apply for a visa and I already had a job in place. You should do further research on this type of move at some of the expat websites - , , ,
3 :
I'm sorry but it will be hard. In Italy there is no job for italians, a lot of people is looking for a job. A lot of people lost his job 'cause crisis. The most of people is surviving with 800 euros every month (and others with a salary that is more more cheap!)... and believe me it's impossible to live with 800 euros when you have to pay the rental of your house/room and taxes and food and so on. Maybe you think I am such kind of a bad person, but really I prefer you to know what you'll find here instead to give you some kind of illusions. And anyway you can not get a visa for a job if you don't have already a job here in Italy. You can stay here for tourism and look for a job, if you like. But also in this case you must to be resident. There are a lot of rules. Please read this page I wanted also to ask you: do you speak italian? If don't I suggest you to learn it before to look for a job here or it will help you a lot with your job.
4 :
i don't know about burocracy, but it is very difficult at the moment!! you know, we have this kind of an ass.h.ole as a prime minister called Berlusconi that keeps stealing money and the country is doing very bad. then there is also the crisis.

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