Sunday, June 14, 2009

What is a better and more pleasant place to live Spain, Italy, or south of France

What is a better and more pleasant place to live Spain, Italy, or south of France?
I not a millionaire, so I don't have that much money to live in big houses with views. But what country would you prefer. I was born and raised in Los Angeles, and I hate it. I want to get out of America, and only come to visit. So what country would you guys recommend, and what areas of the country. Sorry if this is not a philosophical question, the travel category had a section for each country.
Philosophy - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
how next door neighbor just came from spain and he said he wanted to come to america really bad and how happy he is here..he hated spain and america is better...well you know what they say --if you are not happy in one place ---then you are not going to be happy in another..but you asked for a better and pleasant---what languages do you speak??are you patient w/ people??are you thankful for little and have gratitude w/ less??is your smile worth catching??can you laugh at yourself??if yes to all of this then you are a better person and no matter where you go it will be a more pleasant place because of you..p.s. check out the country which is best suited for your health.
2 :
Spain, I have been to the others, Currently I am a college student. It is more affordable than most European upperclass countries. Also The people are more hospitable and open to Americans moving there. It took me about 3 months to be accepted as a resident. The work ethic and life style is relaxed and really pleasant. If I were you I would look into owning or renting property and what is required. But from my point of opinion, go for Spain. Just a suggestion and hope it helps!
3 :
Barcelona, Spain Why? Barcelona an amazing European city, (modern, art, culture ,....) Spanish cuisine, pleasant summer with incredible beaches, (1h drive from the Costa Brava) you can spend the summer in Ibiza,menorca.... not very cold winter, but enough to be able to go to snow (The masella drive 1h 30) work to live, more relaxed life, friendly people,culture,
4 :
Italy <3 (i'm italian)

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