Thursday, May 21, 2009

How long do I need to live in Italy to become an Italian citizen if I have 8th century Italian ancestors

How long do I need to live in Italy to become an Italian citizen if I have 8th century Italian ancestors?
I understand that you can get Italian citizenship from your Italian heritage. But I only have Italian ancestors that were born before the year 1000 A.D. So do I have to live there for a whole decade or can I just live there for three years?
Immigration - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
your ancestors are too old :) 10 years of legal and uninterrupted residence.
2 :
You can't just fake residency because one of the ancients was born there a thousand years ago.
3 :
Relatives are too distant ...
4 :
10 years like all immigrants, or do you think to be special because of your great-great-great parents?
5 :
Quanto tempo ho bisogno di vivere in Italia per diventare cittadino italiano se ho antenati ottavo secolo italiano? Capisco che si può ottenere la cittadinanza italiana dal vostro patrimonio italiano. Ma ho solo antenati italiani che sono nati prima dell'anno 1000 dC Quindi devo vivere lì per un intero decennio o posso semplicemente vivere lì per tre anni?
6 :
If you want I give you my italian passport, I hate Italy, it is the most horrible country of the world.. Next year I'll go in Germany and I'll became a german citizen Why do you want to be italian?? WhereasI've anormans ancestors ..:) L'Italia non è bella come sembra...credimi, e te lo dice uno che ci vive da 17 anni..

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