Monday, September 21, 2009

would it be hard for a mono-lingual english speaker to live in italy

would it be hard for a mono-lingual english speaker to live in italy?
i've been thinking of migrating to italy as one of my family members is italian and it's not hard for me to get residency there. the problem is that i can't speak italian at all. would it be alright for me to live there even if i spoke only english?
Immigration - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I wouldn't call it wrong exactly.. but I think you would find things difficult.
2 :
It doesn't make one bit of difference if you have a family member who is Italian you still have to apply for residence permit. The only way you get a residence permit if you have an offer of a job.Plus you have to have a work permit before applying for a residence permit. I don't see how you would survive not knowing any Italian and living in Italy. You can't go round asking Italian to speak English just for you. Remember your a guest in their country
3 :
If I can learn Spanish, you can learn Italian. Take an intensive class when you get there with a homestay with an italian family.
4 :
That's very selfish of you to think you wouldn't have to learn Italian. Do you think that everyone should learn to speak English to you? Sounds like the same sort of logic that some Mexicans have when they come to the US. As I'm sure you know, most locals don't appreciate that sort of attitude.
5 :
hi, i'm italian and i can tell you that you will easily find someone able to speak at least a little english. So, never fear! you can learn italian once there
6 :
Hi there You don't say you wouldn't want to learn Italian, just that you don't know any at the moment, so I don't think it's terribly fair to blame you for not speaking it yet ... In my view it really depends where you want to live. In Rome, for example, people do speak some English as there are so many tourists there, but in the countryside where I live almost no-one speaks English. The advantage of that is that you learn to speak Italian very quickly - it's learn it or starve (well a bit of an exaggeration perhaps!!). I learned Spanish in the same way - by living in the country with people who spoke no English. It's the quickest way but you just have to make your mind up you will say some daft things sometimes - I make loads of mistakes, but everyone is just happy that I try and that's the important thing for me - not that you don't speak Italian, but that you want to try. For a start, and while you investiagte things like the residency permit, you might want to start learning some basic Italian. You could look at local classes where you live, or if that's difficult for you there are so many languages CDs on the market you wil be able to find one to suit you. My favourite is Michel Thomas. He has a number of different CDs depending on what you want, all the way from beginners with no knowledge at all, to advanced. Have a look at this one first - it's a short introductory course which is good for the car - 'Italian With Michel Thomas' - Short Course CD - ISBN-13: 978-0340780701. It's not hugely expensive and you could then see whether his methods suit you - not everyone can get on with him. Italian is a really lovely language and i think you will enjoy learning it. And if you do decide to live in Italy I'm sure you'll love it there - but it's a big step, so think about it carefully. Good luck with your future.

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