Tuesday, September 21, 2010

If you are a member of Art of Living and live in Italy (Milan), would you like to practice Kriya or yoga

If you are a member of Art of Living and live in Italy (Milan), would you like to practice Kriya or yoga?
I've done course 1 three times and course 2 twice. I live in Monza and am interested in meeting others who have done the course to practice the short version of kriya.
Alternative Medicine - 1 Answers
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1 :
I dont know why would you want to practice short kriya with other people. It's easier to do short kriya alone as you have to do all asanas, pranayama, bastrica and "om" before kriya. And I dont know about Milan, but at my current location there is a big kriya once every week with the teachers of art of living and I can meet other people there.

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