Sunday, March 7, 2010

I live in a very country/redneck state and it seems nobody supports my idea of living in Italy for a year

I live in a very country/redneck state and it seems nobody supports my idea of living in Italy for a year?
Ok, next summer I'm going to Italy for a year and when ever I tell somebody its like I'm a disgrace to our country. I mean, yes I love the United States and am of course coming back, but whats wrong with life experience? My own family doesn't even support me. The only people who seem to are my very close friends, one of them even decided to go with me. So, what should I tell the next person who says something ignorant about me living abroad because I'm getting annoyed..........thanks!
Other - United States - 21 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Do what you want girl!
2 :
sounds like they're jealous
3 :
go see the world, you will not regret it , guaranteed
4 :
Well, if you stereotyped me and called me a redneck, I wouldn't support your BS either.
5 :
Don't tell them anything. It's your life, do what makes you happy. They are all just jealous.
6 :
Just tell them to mind their own business. You aren't moving permanently, you are just going to get some life experience and learn about another culture - there isn't anything wrong with that. You will probably come to love many things about America that you never noticed before, and similarly you will probably come to dislike a few things too. Either way, just tell them you love your country, but want to experience a new country too.
7 :
There is nothing wrong with being worldly. Do you girl...It is unfortunate that many people do not care about anything other than what is in their faces. Go experience life and other places and things...You will thank yourself for it later
8 :
Tell them...."Education POWER!"
9 :
because american are xenophobes , i tell go there and enjoy , i've been there my self and i loved it .travelling people own...
10 :
Just smile and tell them you are furthering your education. An every day life experience is an education, and I'm sure you'll learn a few things while you are there. No one ever down grades an education.
11 :
thats too bad. I love italy. GO.
12 :
Who gives a $hit what people think? I know I don't.
13 :
you will learn to love your own country more when you go awayl. It is a hard concept to understand when you have not gone away. Plus you will learn to appreciate more cultures and their different traditions. You will grow and be a much better person overall. I say go if you can. It is an opportunity you will not have forever!
14 :
People where you live are just ignorant and dont know anything besides the perimeter around where they live. Go for it, you'll love it. Next time someone tells you something nasty just say, "This is not all there is, the world is HUGE"
15 :
Tell them its your life. and not to be jealous that they are staying there and that you are going because you want some cultural experience. Ive been to France though its not italy but very close have fun
16 :
Hey Danni,,,,,, I am 100% behind you girl !!!!! I am from a very small Southern town... not even a city... I had a chance to go to college in England ,,, and get a masters degree... and I did it,.... I know what your going thru,,,, don't give it a second thought ,,, go ,, learn,, study, , and be proud of yourself..... Good luck
17 :
18 :
People are so lame. While your young do everything to better yourself. It is one of the best experiences for young people to do. Learn the language, eat the food, drink the wine, meet people and live life!!!!Have an awsome time.
19 :
Stop caring what other people think! Yeah, it sucks not getting the support that you need, but look at the big picture. You are going to have some awesome life experiences that you family and friends will never have. You'll see how other people in a different country live and see things that will be hard to describe to anyone because they just had to be there. I was soooo jealous when my sister traveled around the world last year. You'll have a great trip--It'll be something you'll never forget! So go and have a fantastic time.....Everyone else is just jealous.
20 :
Danni, most people here in the south are satisfied with their lives, and don't care to see the rest of the world. Vacations to them is going to Grandma's house. I live in MS, and I know exactly what you are going through. My husband can't see past the TN state line. I wanted to take the kids to Texas, "why, there's only dirt and them bushes that go rolling around the place" I love him to death, but he has no desire to experience anything new. There are very few people in our small town that has been to another state other southern ones. I love to travel, last trip I took--New York City for New Year's Eve, now tell me I didn't get some stares and rude comments. My daughter and I had a blast. We went by ourselves because the redneck men in our lives won't be caught dead in NY. Ha! so we left them at home. I don't know what to tell you to them, because I never did find a good enough reason to satisfy people's closed minds. If I had the chance to go to Italy, I would go, and I would enjoy my experience, and just don't worry about what people say. Say "because, I want too!" and let it go! You don't explain yourself, but being a southern woman we feel we need or have to, but quess what we don't......Please have the best time, and take lots of pictures!!! God bless us all.......................
21 :
Travel the world baby, travel it.... don't let what others say affect your decisions... you have to be strong and don't let your parents mold you into what who they want you to be.... you'll learn so much and see so much living outside of the states and it sounds like you know this an that's why you want to go..... there's a lot out in the world that is worth experiencing.... and people who want to stay in the same environment all their lives, well, that's okay just as long as they don't force their own ideas onto others.... you just do what feels right to YOU.... listen to your inner voice and celebrate the person you are... life is an adventure, a journey... to get on the trails and start the voyage!

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