Monday, November 1, 2010

I'm American, pregnant & live in Italy, the doc here says I need blood work done every 1.5 months is this true

I'm American, pregnant & live in Italy, the doc here says I need blood work done every 1.5 months is this true?
I plan on having the baby in American, but right now I have to be in Italy until i'm about 6 months pregnant. Right now I'm 11 weeks, my husband thinks its necessary just because the doctor says so, but I don't think its right. How do I change his mind and opt out of the tests? I've already had one done I just don't understand why I need them every month and a half. Thanks!
Pregnancy - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It may to do where you live in Italy, there are tropical diseases endemic to the area. But, there are also a number of tests that involve blood work in pregnancy - the first OB appt. blood draw, usually 2 different 1 hour glucose challenge screens and a later blood draw to check for anemia.
2 :
You can refuse - I've never heard of blood work being done every 6 weeks? But bear in mind that if you refuse they can also refuse to keep you as a patient - so just suck it up and let them take your blood - its not a big deal! I should've expounded that yes Ethel is correct - there are certain tests that are ran when pregnant that requires a blood draw!
3 :
I agree with Ethel. The blood tests could be precautionary in case the area you are in could contain pathogens to cause different blood diseases. At the beginning of my pregnancy, I gave 3 vials of blood for initial tests, one vial for AFP test and will have one around week 28 for the glucose test. If I fail the first glucose test, then I will have to have 3 more vials drawn.
4 :
Why do not see another doctor just in case? It is your right to call for a second opinion, you know? Look for another 'Ginecologo' as we call those doctors who focus on pregnancy. I can tell you that these tests do not rely on the fact that you are in Italy for there are not widespread endemic diseases in the area. Buona fortuna!

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