Saturday, February 14, 2009

Where is the best place to live and work in Italy

Where is the best place to live and work in Italy?
I am British and want to live in Italy in the future, I want to start up my own beauty therapy business as well, thing is, I have never been out of the country but have always been drawn to the Mediterranean. yes I wont be planning on moving untill I'm older, so the economy might have improved by then.
Other - Europe - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Italy is a great place to visit but for living and work most likely your better off where you are. You should live in Italy for a few months before you decide to invest money. The north and south are very different. For profit the north is better. For quality of life I'd say the south is better. Just my opinion
2 :
Definitely Venice or Siena. My brother lives in Siena and he's really successful, but I live in Venice and it's AMAZING!
3 :
What's best for you depends a lot on your personality and preferences. I like the area of Emilia romagna where I've been living for the past ten years. It's very easy to get around from here on the trains (close to both Venice and Florence), it's also a good base for exploring Italy and the rest of Europe, the climate is pretty good, and the people are great. However, I think it's pretty likely that I would enjoy living just about anywhere here. Right now, the economic situation isn't particularly good though - several businesses in the city have closed in the past year. I'm not so sure there would be a big market for beauty therapy until the economy improves. You might consider a visit to see for yourself and find a location that appeals to you especially since you've never been here before. See if the reality matches your vision of the country.
4 :
Oh dear! One should never use the words 'living' and 'working' in the same sentence :) however, as with any business, you need to place yourself where the demand is OR create the demand. Italians are generally conservative, outside the major cities, so i would go for a high tourist flow area. Your profession is quite intimate, so learn the language first!! Quality of life, well that's open to debate, but culturally its all good. I agree Sienna is great, as is Perugia. check out the sites below. Im Bocca a Lupo!
5 :
Lazio , Marche ,Emilia Romagna e Toscana
6 :
Ok. If you are young and my age (17) I can give you some advice. I am from Italy, the south, but since I am 6, our family lives in Switzerland and London, although I still spend a lot of time in Italy. Firstly, I recognize this passion you have for the 'mediterranean' lifestyle as I met many Brits who say this. You must realize that the grass is always greener on the other side. Don't picture a romantic life that does not exist. Italy is quite different culturally, you must have a big pair of balls if you want to survive and do well there, especially in your business. There are many stores and boutique like this in Italy, as people love to spend the money on fashion, so it will be difficult to attract customers, especially as you are foreign and don't have some kind of history in the area. For these reasons, I recommend you to go to Central/North regions, as in the South, disposable income is not so much...But the problem is that if you want good customer you must go to an industrial area with lots of people with some good money. Unfortunately, this kind of area will not give you the 'mediterranean life'. Right now, Italy government wants only people with strong technical skills such as engineering, computer science, mechanics...we have already so many beauty shops. I say this not to hurt your ambition but to make you think of a different one - humans are versatile I am sure you are very intelligent girl. Also, as people say economy is very bad. Young Italian can not get job, even in a stupid candy shop, and living prices are damn expensive. Even this year, we had to terminate the contracts of seventy workers in our factories...its bad time... But my conclusion is to recommend Genoa, a beautiful medium-sized city in the north-west. Very good transport connections, close to Monte Carlo (if you have money for this type of life, I don't know), to France and to Switzerland for the skiing. Here is the area where it is most possible to open up such a shop - quite good local economy, lot of young people, quite nice, friendly area. Why you want to leave Britain though? I always think British are too ashamed of their own country, it's very beautiful! For me, beaches and always sun is boring! I like the green country as you have, and London is the most fascinating city....

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