Saturday, August 14, 2010

I have it in my head to move myself and my family to live in Italy for a year. Am I nuts

I have it in my head to move myself and my family to live in Italy for a year. Am I nuts?
I want my kids to have that experience when they are young and I want to teach somewhere else. Advice, commentary?
Other - Italy - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
italy's awsome, and if your kids are real young they'll pick up a 2nd language real easy.
2 :
I don't think you're nuts at all... I am planning a trip to Italy and think it would be a really nice place to live for a year!
3 :
You are not nuts...I have been living abroad and teaching for 3 years. It's the best thing I have ever done for myself. I am young with no family, so I have learned a lot about myself and how to be independent and free...but that won't really be the case with you ;) The other aspect is travel and getting to know another culture. You can look it up in a textbook or online, but it's never going to be like seeing the real thing and being there. Italy is beautiful! Have fun!
4 :
Yeah good luck getting a job. If you are serious and are a licensed teacher the department of defense has schools all around the world on U.S. military bases. One of my best friend's dad was DODS teacher and they lived all over the world, including Germany, Korea, Japan.
5 :
Only nuts if you don't do it! Just be forewarned-the move back to the states might be the hard part!
6 :
No sounds like a very good idea. Italy is an amazing country. Also if you have kids this is a great way to experience more things in life, as well as tons of history and a new language.
7 :
If you've got a solid job lined up, go for it. I suggest enrolling your kids in Italian classes before they go, so they're not totally overwhelmed before they go. It's really important that you let your kids bring a lot of stuff from home, because the transition from North America to Italy will be tough- the lifestyle is really different. Consider enrolling your kids in the local American or British School, where they'll continue to receive an education in English. This means they won't return to America a year behind their friends.
8 :
not nuts...the reasoning is very noble and it smart? well, if the israelis and hezbollah continue to try to blow up the med, probably not
9 :
noble idea. as for employment not that hard if you choose a city in proximity of a us military base., have you considered how you will get a visa extension after your 3 months expire???

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