Monday, December 21, 2009

where is a nice place to live in Italy

where is a nice place to live in Italy?
Ciao! I am moving to Italy in September as part of my travels, I hope to stay at least 4 months. My problem is where to live? I'm 23 so I'd like somewhere with a good social life, and also the possibility of getting a job! I would also like somewhere that isn't too touristy as I can speak italian and would like to use it :) Thank you so much!
Other - Italy - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
First,where are you from? You cannot stay here for more than 90 days in any 180 day period without a visa if you're from outside the EU and it would also be illegal for you to work here without a visa that expressly allows that. You can determine whether you need a visa here: That said, you could pick a place like Ferrara that is known for festivals and events and is on the train line between Bologna and Venice. For that matter, Bologna itself is a great city with an active nightlife especially in the area near the university. Bologna also has excellent train connections with the rest of Italy. Brescia is a nice city also. Jobs are a problem right now. The unemployment is high and rising. In the town where I live, I don't know of anyone hiring and there have been announcements of around 2,000 job cuts in the past couple of weeks.
2 :
Vicenza is a very nice town in the Veneto area. Venice is about a 45 minute train ride away but the city of Vicenza is free of tourism. There is a US army base there (the largest in the world) which means you may run into some US natives which is actually pretty cool. You won't be subject to merchants, etc, speaking to you in english so it will give you a good opportunity to speak italian. Also, to help with the visa issues, a dual citizenship might be a good option especially if you are only staying for a few months. The laws were recently changed and all you have to do is prove your ancestry far enough back to someone born in italy. It was pretty easy for me to get the dual citizenship because my grandma was born there.
3 :
I'm jealous. I would actually love to do the same thing. I went to Italy last spring when I studied abroad and fell in love with almost EVERY city I saw...but, if I were to move there, I would choose either Florence or Verona. Now I know Florence is fairly toursity, but it is an incredible much art and history. And, it isn't flooded with tourists like Rome is. Plus, I think it would very easy to find a job there. The bigger cities are always looking for people who speak both English and could work at a hotel (some include room and board as part of your pay!) or teach english at a tutoring center or something...or you could always waitress. Now, Verona is hands down the cutest city I've ever seen. Unfortunately, it is becoming more and more touristy thanks to the movie, "Letters to Juliet". But, the city is small and romantic. It's easy to figure out your way around, and not everyone speaks English. You would probably be forced to use your Italian! Also, Sienna is one other place to consider. I loved it there as well. It's a total college city! It's home to one of the oldest universities in Italy, and the whole city is very medieval. It's also very close to Florence. Good luck to you! You've motivated me to look into something like that!
4 :
Garda's Lake, my best friend's wife is dutch she worked in one of the many hotels that are on the lake, they are always looking for english speakers because of german and english tourist. It's near Verona, not so far from Milano. If you love night life it's better "Riviera romagnola" Rimini, Riccione. Florence is quieter but beautiful and there is a good social life, Rome is more chaotic but wonderful.
5 :
well......I'm italian and I live there... I suggest you a place near a city like Bergamo or Brescia that are 2 cities famous but not like rome o florence (i live at half street betwen bergamo and brescia) I also like Garda's Lake...

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